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Brasil Serra da Mantiqueira Coffee

Sale price€12.50

In a mountain in Minas, at the dry mill where the farmers prepare the coffee for export, Cocarive has a laboratory for quality control where trained cuppers select the coffees based on cup quality. Only the best beans make it to our bags and your cup. Balanced, Round Body, Soft Acidity.

  • Brand: SO Coffee Roasters 
  • Origin: Serra da Mantiqueira - Cerrado Mineiro
  • Varietal: Yellow Bourbon
  • Process: Pulped Natural
  • Altitude: 1.100 - 1.300 masl

Europe: 2-4 week days

Weight: 0.25kg


Grind: Beans


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Brasil Serra da Mantiqueira Coffee in white by SO Coffee Roasters
Brasil Serra da Mantiqueira Coffee0.25kg / Beans Sale price€12.50