While our services are reduced to a minimum, our team is mostly keeping to their homes and staying safe. There are no right answers to how we're supposed to behave in quarantine, so some of us are coping by being productive, picking up shelved projects, taking new hobbies or fixing things around the house, and some are taking this as a time out from the routine, indulging in being with oneself, loved ones and pets. Check out what each of us has been doing lately.

Hello everyone! This quarantine has been a rollercoaster in every aspect but I have taken this confinement to delve in many things I like. The main one, being a musician, is finishing a project I've been working on for quite a while now. Being 24/7 at home has given me the space to complete it and I will still release it this year, just not in May as I originally intended too because the quarantine does not let me do all the things I want for this project. I've been working out a lot and I do yoga. I'm painting and drawing more. Writing a lot more. I'm cooking more. I'm doing the things I love. More often.

- Vasco, Sales Assistant

I’m a bit of an introvert, so working from home suits me just fine, and binge-watching TV shows has been my hobby since forever. The only new ritual I have is brewing French Press coffee every morning so I can cope with the lack of SO Coffee’s specialties and that’s probably the only new ritual I have. Another peak of my day is cooking while singing and dancing to 80s and 90s classics, while my boyfriend stares at me because he’s never had such an in-depth glimpse of my silliness.

- Gil, Marketing Manager

Hey! Half of my time I spend at the stock house working for the online orders, yes I can say we are a small business so we need to keep working in a safe way and do the best for our costumers all over the world! The other fifty shades are not from Mr. Grey at all! My blue eyed handsome man is a cat! And we keep fighting for the same bed, and then we cuddle and then we eat, hmmm very balanced dont you think?!

- Joana, Store Director

Changing pyjamas. Being the family clown, because I have parents to cheer up. Like all of us, eating a lot. Mastering Sudoku. My mother is teaching me how to knit. Oh, and I made bread for the first time!

- Raquel, Sales Assistant

Preparing TFR's comeback and new projects along with the team (see pic), eating, working, binge watching/reading... and eating :) Learned how to make a kick-ass banana bread and pizza dough, though!

- Edgar, Co-Founder

Working from home is a thing - a thing I can now confirm that I absolutely hate! I wasn't born to be stuck inside some walls, but since I do have to, I've decided to take on a cute new challenge: the good old art of embroidery. I've spent my coin on a beginner's kit, waited (not) very patiently for its arrival and started my learning experience by watching stitching videos from dusk till dawn. If this isolation nightmare goes on for much longer, I guarantee you there will be embroidered flowers on every single thing I own. 

- Kika, Communication Executive

“...spending my time watching the days goes by...” it could be another Roxette song but it’s not! Well, I’m still working at the company stock but in a safe way promise! Things can’t stop so we are here and we’ll not give up hehehe... well when I’m officially at home, I try to spend the free time being creative, illustrating and publishing on my Instagram account... and actually you can check it at @iamsamille hope you enjoy it!

- Sam, Store Director

I have always been a bad cooker, so I'm taking this time to improve my cooking skills. Every weekend I bake something (not so good for my waistline, but it's not like my future boyfriend is going to see me, right?). Last weekend I made some delicious "scones"... I attached a picture, DM for the recipe. 

- Benedita, Communication Consultant

I'm a person who has to be doing things all the time otherwise I'll get bored and impatient, so in these weird times closed at home I've been trying to do as many things as I can. I have some projects that were in standby due to the lack of time but guess what? Now I have time to finish it! I've been making things for my friends (for instance, I made a fanny pack/crossbody pack for Vasco - one of our colleagues), I'm also growing cherry tomatoes in my balcony and I've been training my cat to give her paw and in less than a week, we made some progress! AhahaApart from that, I've been watching a loooot of renovation videos on Youtube (one of my guilty pleasures ahaha) and a lot of movies and TV shows.

- Sofia, Sales Assistant

Well.... playing video games, eating and working.

- Ana, COO

Over-over-overthinking. Before I just used to overthink things. I'm also feeling musically nostalgic so I'm going back to the 90's and listening and redescovering a lot of Hardcore and Punk bands I used to listen to. I'm also exercising and got back into yoga and the five Tibetan rites.

- Francisco, Administrative Manager

I’ve started making music not too long ago and I really desire to achieve my fullest potencial as soon as I can, so every minute is precious. Therefore, I’ve been spending almost all my quarantine time working on my music projects and skills. I’ve created quite a few songs since I’m isolated so I think I am being productive and that rests my mind. Other than that I just watched some movies and series and I’m reading José Saramago’s book called “O Ano Da Morte De Ricardo Reis”.

- João, Sales Assistant

I've been bending over backwards so I can check the world and its peculiar situation differently, taking day by day and appreciating my health and life, while enjoying the cosiness of home. I've been slower than usual in general, which is not a bad thing considering the opportunity for the world to slow down at this time. Exploring and absorbing all arts and entertainment, exercising a bit but mostly copycatting my cat and catching sun through my window while doing all the above. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to do a cake yet.

- Rita, Store Director

Believe it or not, I've always had more than 1, 2 even 3 jobs (yeah, overachiever here), so facing this time home as vacations seemed like the merry approach to the imposed quarantine. Betty in Mad Men once said “Only boring people are bored” and I couldn’t agree more. So, I’ve been devoting myself to things that always seemed like a privilege considering the lack of time. My main guilty pleasure has been playing games. I haven’t had the time to indulge myself in a proper Mega Drive playing frenzy in over 4 years. Let’s be honest here: Sonic is the most perfect video game character ever, and my love for him needed reassurance. Cooking proper meals twice a day using my dad’s books from chef school reminded me of my passion for cooking and also how easily you can gain 6kgs. Besides, been sewing and patterning this capsule collection I’ve wanted to market since forever, made exclusively from factory fabric waste. Also, a friend introduced me to Orville Peck, and as country and blues lover I’ve been listening to Pony over and over. After all, is anything more amazing than an alternative gay cowboy with an S&M aesthetic? Don’t think so.

- Lara, Sales Assistant

Making my dogs happy. If there is someone thrilled of having me 24/7 at home... I live alone with them so eventually either I will start to bark or they will start to talk! How long this quarantine will last?!

- Daniela, Sales Assistant

First of all I feel very lucky to be able to quarantine. Being a geek myself I don’t mind staying at home as I love playing video games. A few days after I started my quarantine the new Animal Crossing game came out so it was perfect timing! It’s an extremely relaxing and creative game. Pictured is me walking around my cherry blossom stone garden I created and wearing a Gucci outfit made by the community.

- Elisabete, Sales Assistant

When I thought quarantine, I was immediately hit by the nice idea of having plenty of time for cleaning all the stuff that I kept putting aside on the procrastinating's to-do list for the last 10 years or more: "Now, that I can’t go clubbing till 7 in the morning I will finally have the time to do all that thing that you always want to!!" Very Wrong...I started with the easy ones: reading the book that I received on Christmas, keeping up with all the mags and news, going crazy in the kitchen (my biggest challenge was the 2kg sea bass on the barbecue), a mandatory 30 minutes work-out a day (that, btw is not happening anymore), etc,..Last week, I became bolder and I entered the crazy world of bricolage. After some Pinterest inspiration, and a ride to a building materials store, I was able to fix the cover of the terrace without calling "the guy".Overall, I must conclude that all this stuff that in theoretical point of view makes you feel good, is not so easy and rewarding as you thought initially, but at least I’m enjoying the discovering process.

- Gui, Co-Founder

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